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Where unfinished musical ideas live on forever

“It’s silly really”

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Works in Progress

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Sometimes you need a co-writer:

Chopin-Kemper….. Ha!


I recorded Till There Was You for the In The House album. It didn’t make the cut. IDK… I’m thinking it might need a string arrangement or something

I have had this AmM7 melody in my head for a few years now. I recorded it earlier this year for the In The House album. I still like it…. I never named it, and it ended up being a little ominous for the album. The working title is: AmM7 Jazzy Chopin (A minor major seven jazzy Chopin)… Lately, I’m thinking the title should be: “I Don’t Believe in Ghosts”

Wait for it!! Cm FOUR…Don’t give up during the long intro. The drums kick in at 1:45(and I jam on a Clavinet at about 3:00)! This is the fourth song I was working on for In The House. I still like a lot of things about this version. IDK… it ended up being too long for the album. New title: “Tyrants”

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If You Could See You Like I Do was co-written with Brent Henderson. This version is another duet with my daughter, Annika that was never officially released. I know this style of CCM is dated, but I still love the lyric. I’m thinking it could use a good string arrangement.


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